This site is simply somewhere to host the Shieldbug life stage compilations I have created, as a source of reference to anyone who might find them useful.
This is work in progress and will be added to, as and when possible.
Please hover your mouse over each image to see species name and descriptions.
Most images are configured as follows (but some vary according to species):
Top left: eggs, then 1st instars/hatchlings, and 2nd instars
Centre left: 3rd instar, 4th instar and a dark form 5th/final instar
Bottom left: light form final instar, adult in spring colours and adult in autumn colours.
- Acanthosoma haemorrhoidale Hawthorn shieldbug (Acanthosomatidae)
- Cyphostethus tristriatus Juniper shieldbug (Acanthosomatidae)
- Elasmostethus interstinctus Birch shieldbug (Acanthosomatidae)
- Elasmucha grisea Parent bug (Acanthosomatidae)
- Coreus marginatus Dock bug (Coreidae)
- Dolycoris baccarum Hairy shieldbug (Pentatomidae)
- Eysarcoris venustissimus Woundwort shieldbug (Pentatomidae)
- Palomena prasina Common green shieldbug (Pentatomidae)
- Pentatoma rufipes Forest bug (Pentatomidae)
- Piezodorus lituratus Gorse shieldbug (Pentatomidae)
- Troilus luridus Bronze shieldbug (Pentatomidae)